Free Lunchtime Concert: Nicola Hands (Cor Anglais), Jonathan Pease (Piano)
Programme Edmund Rubbra – Duo for Cor Anglais and Piano Carlo Yvon – Sonata for Cor Anglais and Piano Vincent Perichetti – Parable Puccini – Foglio d’album Hindemith – Sonata for Cor Anglais and Piano Lamont Kennaway – Watersmeet Nicola Hands Cor Anglais Jonathan Pease Piano Performers Nicola…

Free Lunchtime Concert: Ugnius Pauliukonis (Piano)
Representing Making Music Programme Haydn – Sonata for Piano in E flat Debussy – Images (Book I) Liszt – Hungarian Rhapsody No 12 in C sharp minor Ugnius Pauliukonis Piano Performer Pianist Ugnius Pauliukonis took my breath away in the RNCM Gold…

Free Lunchtime Concert: Melody Lin (Cello), Andrea Emanuele (Piano)
Representing Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance Programme Beethoven – Sonata for Cello and Piano No 3 in A Barber – Sonata for Cello and Piano Melody Lin Cello Andrea Emanuele Piano Performers Cellist Melody Lin earned a fully-funded scholarship to attend Trinity Laban Conservatoire…

Free Lunchtime Concert: Michael Lan (Piano)
Representing Guildhall School of Music and Drama Programme Rameau – Gavotte variée Mussorgsky – Pictures at an Exhibition Michael Lan Piano Performers British-Chinese pianist, Michael Lan, is currently in his final year of undergraduate studies at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, under the tutelage…

Free Lunchtime Concert: Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields
Programme The Choral Scholars will perform a programme of twentieth-century English solo and ensemble works, including music by Finzi, Vaughan Williams and Quilter. Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields Performers The Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields have an essential musical role at St Martin-in-the-Fields. …

Free Lunchtime Concert: St Martin-in-the-Fields Chamber Competition Semi-Final III
Epoch Ensemble and the Celia Quartet Epoch Ensemble Samuel Messer – In Negative Martinů– Trio in F, movements I – III Gavin Stewart Flute Carwyn Jones Cello Oliver Cuttriss Piano The newly formed Epoch Ensemble is comprised of graduates from the Music department at Royal…

Free Lunchtime Concert: St Martin-in-the-Fields Chamber Competition Semi-Final II
Improviso and the Bloomsbury Quartet Improviso Trad. – Improvisations on a Ground (John Come Kiss Me Now) Jean-Marie Leclair – Deuxième récréation de musique Marco Uccellini – Sonata Quarta Decima Fatima Lahham Recorder Elin White Baroque Violin Florence Petit Baroque Cello Johan Löfving Theorbo Improviso is a…

Free Lunchtime Concert: St Martin-in-the-Fields Chamber Competition Semi-Final I
The Brompton Quartet and Pocket Sinfonia Brompton Quartet Mendelssohn – String Quartet No 2 in A minor, movement IV Shostakovich – String Quartet No 8, movements III-V Maja Horvat Violin Emily Turkanik Violin Hannah Gardiner Viola Wallis Power Cello Formed in September 2018, the Brompton Quartet…

Free Lunchtime Concert: Adam Johnson (Piano)
Representing the Northern Lights Symphony Orchestra Programme Toivo Kuula – Three Piano Pieces Toivo Kuula – Six Piano Pieces Toivo Kuula – Lampaan Polska Tovio Kuula – Invention Adam Johnson Piano Performer Multi prize-winning pianist Adam Johnson was a Scholar and Junior Fellow at The Royal Northern…