Great Sacred Music: They shall grow not old

Thursday 08 November 2018, 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

They shall grow not old Marking the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One including settings of war poetry by Bob Chilcott and John Duggan. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells         Performed by St Martin’s Voices Directed by Andrew Earis A 35-minute sequence…

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Great Sacred Music: In the Beginning

Thursday 01 November 2018, 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

In the Beginning A performance of Copland’s extended choral work In the Beginning based on the opening verses of the Book of Genesis. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells          Performed by St Martin’s Voices Directed by Andrew Earis A 35-minute sequence to speak to heart,…

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Great Sacred Music: Handel Messiah

Thursday 25 October 2018, 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

Handel Messiah Telling the story of Handel’s Messiah in words and music. Led by Sarah Maxted Performed by St Martin’s Voices Directed by Andrew Earis A 35-minute sequence to speak to heart, head and soul, exploring through songs and readings the great classical music of our religious heritage….

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Great Sacred Music: The Good Samaritan

Thursday 18 October 2018, 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

The Good Samaritan Marking the feast day of St Luke the Physician with a rare performance of William Lloyd Webber’s cantata The Good Samaritan. Led and directed by Andrew Earis Performed by St Martin’s Voices A 35-minute sequence to speak to heart, head and soul, exploring…

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Great Sacred Music: National Poetry Day

Thursday 11 October 2018, 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

National Poetry Day Marking National Poetry Day last weekend, featuring choral settings of poems by former poet laureates Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Robert Bridges, John Masefield and Andrew Motion. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells Performed by St Martin’s Voices Directed by Andrew Earis A 35-minute…

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Great Sacred Music: St Francis of Assisi

Thursday 04 October 2018, 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

St Francis of Assisi An exploration of the life and legacy of St Francis of Assisi, including works by John Rutter and Grayton Ives. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells Performed by St Martin’s Voices Directed by Andrew Earis A 35-minute sequence to speak to…

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Great Sacred Music: A Sequence for St Michael

Thursday 27 September 2018, 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

A Sequence for St Michael A performance of Howell’s extended choral works A Sequence for St Michael, celebrating the Feast of St Michael and All Angels. Led and directed by Andrew Earis Performed by St Martin’s Voices A 35-minute sequence to speak to heart,…

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Great Sacred Music: The Tree of Life

Thursday 20 September 2018, 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

The Tree of Life Exploring seeds, plants and trees in the Bible. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells Performed by St Martin’s Voices Directed by Emily Dickens A 35-minute sequence to speak to heart, head and soul, exploring through songs and readings the great classical music of our…

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Great Sacred Music: The River of the Water of Life

Thursday 13 September 2018, 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm

The River of the Water of Life Exploring streams and rivers in the Bible. Led and directed by Andrew Earis Performed by St Martin’s Voices A 35-minute sequence to speak to heart, head and soul, exploring through songs and readings the great classical music of our religious…

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