Come and Sing: Mendelssohn Elijah
Join Andrew Earis and members of St Martin’s Voices to rehearse and perform music from Mendelssohn’s Elijah. 10.00am doors open 10.15am workshop 12.30pm performance Andrew Earis Director Tickets £12, including music hire. The ability to read music and experience of singing in…

Bach, Handel and Mozart by Candlelight
Part of the Sound of St Martin’s, our annual series of concerts celebrating the musical life of this unique institution. The music programme at St Martin’s embraces concerts, music in worship, our innovative Great Sacred Music series as well as an exciting range…

Great Sacred Choral Classics: Allegri Miserere
Allegri Miserere An hour-long exploration of Allegri’s Miserere Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells Performed by St Martin’s Voices Directed by Andrew Earis Great Sacred Choral Classicsis FREE and all are welcome. A retiring collection is taken to support the work of St Martin-in-the-Fields.

Great Sacred Choral Classics: Mendelssohn Elijah
Mendelssohn Elijah An hour-long exploration of extracts from Mendelssohn’s most famous oratorio. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells Performed by St Martin’s Chorus Directed by Andrew Earis Great Sacred Choral Classics is FREE and all are welcome. A retiring collection is taken to support the work of St Martin-in-the-Fields.

Great Sacred Choral Classics: Bach Magnificat
Bach Magnificat An hour-long exploration of Bach’s much-loved Magnificat. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells Performed by St Martin’s Voices Directed by Andrew Earis Great Sacred Choral Classics is FREE and all are welcome. A retiring collection is taken to support the work of St Martin-in-the-Fields.

Great Sacred Choral Classics: Monteverdi Vespers
Monteverdi Vespers An hour-long exploration of Monteverdi’s celebrated choral work Vespers. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells Performed by Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields Directed by Andrew Earis Great Sacred Choral Classics is FREE and all are welcome. A retiring collection is taken to support the work of…

Great Sacred Music: Handel Messiah
Handel Messiah A celebration for Easter, including choruses from Handel’s Messiah. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells Performed by St Martin’s Voices Directed by Andrew Earis Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. A retiring collection is taken to support the work…

Great Sacred Music: The Saviour
The Saviour A performance of selections from William Lloyd Webber’s Holy Week cantata The Saviour. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells Performed by St Martin’s Voices Directed by Andrew Earis Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. A retiring collection is taken…

Great Sacred Music: Hosanna to the Son of David
Hosanna to the Son of David Choral music for Palm Sunday celebrating the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells Performed by St Martin’s Voices Directed by Andrew Earis Great Sacred Music is FREE and all are welcome. A retiring…