St Martin’s Summer Online Festival: A Celebration of Bach
This concert originally broadcast on 27 August, but tickets are still available to view the performance online until 26 September. If you have a ticket, the concert is available for an unlimited number of viewings during this period. A programme of some of…

Great Sacred Music: Fellowship
The nineteenth of our weekly online Great Sacred Music series, launched in light of St Martin’s temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A new Great Sacred Music podcast will be uploaded every Thursday at 1.00 pm with new music recorded each…

Great Sacred Music: Mission
The eighteenth of our weekly online Great Sacred Music series, launched in light of St Martin’s temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A new Great Sacred Music podcast will be uploaded every Thursday at 1.00 pm with new music recorded each…

Great Sacred Music: Holiness
The seventeenth of our weekly online Great Sacred Music series, launched in light of St Martin’s temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A new Great Sacred Music podcast will be uploaded every Thursday at 1.00 pm with new music recorded each…

Great Sacred Music: Scripture
The sixteenth of our weekly online Great Sacred Music series, launched in light of St Martin’s temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A new Great Sacred Music podcast will be uploaded every Thursday at 1.00 pm with new music recorded each…

Great Sacred Music: Baptism
The fifteenth of our weekly online Great Sacred Music series, launched in light of St Martin’s temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A new Great Sacred Music podcast will be uploaded every Thursday at 1.00 pm with new music recorded each…

Great Sacred Music: Eucharist
The fourteenth of our weekly online Great Sacred Music series, launched in light of St Martin’s temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A new Great Sacred Music podcast will be uploaded every Thursday at 1.00 pm. This week’s theme is Eucharist. Watch…

Great Sacred Music: Prayer
The thirteenth of our weekly online Great Sacred Music series, launched in light of St Martin’s temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Three months after our last Great Sacred Music at St Martin’s, we are delighted to welcome back St Martin’s Voices for…

Great Sacred Music Podcast: A Sacred Music Response to the Killing of George Floyd
The twelfth of our weekly online Great Sacred Music series, launched in light of St Martin’s temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A new Great Sacred Music podcast will be uploaded every Thursday at 1.00 pm. This week’s theme is A…