Bach, Handel and Vivaldi by Candlelight
Programme Handel – Arrival of The Queen of Sheba Bach – Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring Bach – Air ‘on the G string’ Handel – Concerto for Oboe in G minor Vivaldi – ‘Summer’ and ‘Winter’ from the Four Seasons Handel – Concerto Grosso ‘Alexander’s Feast’ Bach –…

Bach, Handel and Vivaldi by Candlelight
Programme Handel— Arrival of The Queen of Sheba Bach— Air on the G String Handel— Oboe Concerto in G minor Vivaldi— Sinfonia ‘Alla Rustica’ Vivaldi— Spring and Summer from the Four Seasons Vivaldi— Concerto for Two Violins in A minor Bach— Jesu,…

Bach, Handel and Vivaldi by Candlelight
Programme Handel — Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Purcell — Fairy Queen Suite Bach — Air ‘on the G String’ Bach — Concerto in E Major Elgar — Serenade Mozart — Salzburg Symphony No 3 Corelli — Concerto Grosso Op 6 No…

Bach, Handel and Vivaldi by Candlelight
Programme Handel – Arrival of The Queen of Sheba Bach – Air on the G String Handel – Oboe Concerto in G Minor Vivaldi – Sinfonia ‘Alla Rustica’ Vivaldi – Spring and Summer from The Four Seasons Vivaldi – Concerto for Two Violins in…

Bach Brandenburg Concertos by Candelight
Programme Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 3 Vivaldi – ‘Autumn’ from Four Seasons Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 6 Handel – Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Pachelbel – Canon Vivaldi – Sinfonia alla Rustica Mozart – Salzburg Symphony No.3 Performers London…

Bach Brandenburg Concertos by Candlelight
Programme Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 3 Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 6 Mozart – Flute Quartet in D 15 Bach – Bradenburg Concerto No 5 London Concertante Ben Norris Guest Director/Violin Performers London Concertante is one of the finest chamber ensembles in the…

Bach Brandenburg Concertos by Candlelight
Programme Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 5 Vivaldi – Cello Concerto in B minor Telemann – Recorder Concerto in C Vivaldi – “Spring” from The Four Seasons Mozart – Divertimento No 2 in Bb Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No 4 The Feinstein Ensemble Martin Feinstein Director/Solo Flute/Recorder Catherine Manson Solo…

Bach Violin Concertos by Candlelight
Programme Bach— Concerto for Violin in E major Purcell— Rondeau from Abdelazer Handel— Larghetto Vivaldi— Sinfonia ‘Al Santo Sepolcro’ Vivaldi— Concerto for Two Violins in A minor Bach— Concerto for Violin in A minor Pachelbel— Canon Bach— Air on the G String…

Allegri Miserere – Italian Choral Masterpieces
Part of the Sound of St Martin’s Series A limited number of under-30s tickets for £5 are available for this concert. Please enquire in person at the box office. Programme Allegri – Miserere Gesualdo – O vos omnes Monteverdi – Christe, adoramus…