The third time Jesus appears to his disciples after He was raised from the dead was on the shore of Lake Tiberias. The scene – a long night, no fish and an onlooker with a direct (and maybe even annoying) question. In a single moment the action goes from one of absence to abundance with an empty net then filled with 153 large fish.


A simple invitation, ‘Let your net down on the right side of your boat, and you will catch some fish.’ Jesus said these words then and says them now in the form of an invitation addressed to us just as we are, an invitation to use what we already have and an invitation to simply try something different.

What’s included and integral in all these invitations?

Quite simply, you. There is no need to pretend, no need for a new boat and no need to find another lake. All that’s needed is you, and your faith and a willingness to pivot. Perhaps you might pivot on a point from say un-forgiveness to forgiveness, from consumption to contribution, from pride to humility. It won’t always be met with welcome and accord, but as Mother Teresa said, ‘In the final analysis, it is between you and God.’

So what does the Lord require of you… You!

Ben Sheridan