London Charter to End Rough Sleeping
A question I get asked more than any other in the context of my work, particularly at this time of year, is: “what should I do if someone asked me for money on the street”?
10 December 2023 Newsletter Cover
It was once the custom for each chapter of the Dominican friars to hold a solemn chapter meeting on Christmas Eve.
3 December 2023 Newsletter Cover
The path out of homelessness is tough to walk alone.
Autumn in the garden
Our kitchen looks out to a beautiful beech tree.
Exchanging Gifts.
The barista’s face dropped when I said the word.
Remembrance Weekend
A soldier’s death, that ‘ultimate sacrifice’, deserves the elegance and beauty of ‘The Last Call’, that is bugled at military funerals and all around Britain this weekend.
5 November 2023 Newsletter Cover
St Martin’s is a special place.
Love your neighbour
Last Sunday, some of our St Martin’s groups reflected on God’s most important commandment, in the light of the war in Israel/Palestine.
Isaac and Ishmael
As I write this piece for the Newsletter, over 4,000 people are known to have been killed in what the United Nations has described as the ‘unprecedented human catastrophe’ that is taking place in Israel and Gaza.