Tall Tales
The difference between fact and fiction is a hot topic at the moment […] we are constantly bombarded with claim and counter claim about what is the truth and what is fake.
Epiphany: Finding God
I wonder what brought you to London. Many years ago I came to London hoping to find a satisfying job and seeking a life partner. The day after I arrived, I travelled on the tube to the centre of town, and emerged onto the street. And there was Her Majesty the Queen…
Inspired by Love
This Christmas and new year, what will Love inspire in you?
There is one week to go before Christmas Day, what have you done to prepare for it? Have you posted your cards? Have you shopped and wrapped your presents? Are you preparing food for the day?
Come as you are
When I look at the crib scene, I see people of all shapes and sizes, of all nationalities, of all backgrounds. It doesn’t matter if you are the large, regal, purple ball or the smaller, slightly scruffy ball. Come as you are; you are loved.
Small Action Big Difference
Brother Lawrence said that ‘We ought not to be weary of doing little things for the love of God, who regards not the greatness of the work, but the love with which it is performed.’ This could be a motto for this year’s BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal which uses the slogan ‘Small Action Big Difference’.
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving has been one of my favourite holidays now for almost 30 years.
God’s Time
When we catch the slipstream of God’s time we often discover that the way we are living is just scratching the surface of the deeper life that God is calling us to and that we are made for.
As a child, I hated Remembrance Sunday. I very much enjoyed my time in the Cubs, Scouts and Venture Scouts and tolerated the monthly church visit. However, Remembrance Church Parade involved earnest older people telling me that I must be serious about this.