Reasons to be cheerful
I was quite taken by a recent tweet from Bill Gates.
Inconceivable Sacrifice
One hundred years ago at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, during the time today when we are celebrating the Eucharist, ended a world war that had brought inconceivable suffering.
All Saints and All Souls
I saw the making of a saint in Rome on 14 October, the Canonisation of Oscar Romero.
After the Storm
I recently visited my parents in Cornwall. On their remote farm usually nothing at all can be heard at night.
I have been privileged to work for the BBC for 33 years. It has been a privilege because the BBC is arguably the most creative organisation in Britain.
Making Friends with Chaos
Wendell Berry is one of the wise old men (except that he’s been saying wise things for decades). He’s a Kentucky farmer, environmental activist, writer and poet. I recommend him to you.
The Transition to Autumn
Autumn always feels like a significant transition for me. I have been programmed by all those years of starting a new school year and the feeling has always stayed with me even though it’s a long time since my formal education ended.
But it is time
A few years ago, Anna Gregorowski and I chatted on the portico with the visiting preacher, an African bishop. Had he enjoyed his stay, we asked, and was he ready to go home?
The Ever Open Door?
“In my country, God’s house is always open!” This was said, accompanied by tears, by a woman wanting to come into church to pray, just as the verger was trying to lock the gates of St Martin’s portico. Not many churches stay open ’24/7′ in this country. I’m glad to say our verger was sympathetic to the woman’s request.