The Transition to Autumn

Friday 5 October 2018

Autumn always feels like a significant transition for me. I have been programmed by all those years of starting a new school year and the feeling has always stayed with me even though it’s a long time since my formal education ended.

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But it is time

Friday 28 September 2018

A few years ago, Anna Gregorowski and I chatted on the portico with the visiting preacher, an African bishop. Had he enjoyed his stay, we asked, and was he ready to go home?

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The Ever Open Door?

Friday 21 September 2018

“In my country, God’s house is always open!” This was said, accompanied by tears, by a woman wanting to come into church to pray, just as the verger was trying to lock the gates of St Martin’s portico. Not many churches stay open ’24/7′ in this country. I’m glad to say our verger was sympathetic to the woman’s request.

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Friday 14 September 2018

When I first moved to London, it was as a student. London’s Universities and study centres, swarming with experts from all four corners of the earth, women and men endlessly pursuing all the disciplines you can think of – this was all very attractive to me.

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At the Heart on the Edge

Friday 7 September 2018

On the edge of our St Martin’s community stands a statue of a heroine of the First World War. Recently I read a biography of Edith Cavell.

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Being ‘normal’

Friday 31 August 2018

At this time of year, my inner ‘Victor Meldrew’ is most likely to surface. It usually happens in response to someone saying ‘holidays are over now’ or ‘it’s the start of a new term’.

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Living Bread and Living Water

Thursday 23 August 2018

John’s Gospel Chapter 6 talks about the living bread and water we need for our Spiritual life. Jesus is our resource and when we come to him, we need never feel hunger or thirst no matter what we face in our lives on earth.

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Your Passion

Friday 17 August 2018

When I was at an American university, each year the head of undergraduate studies would give the same address to the entering class: ‘find your passion.’ It gave the impression the faculty offered a beauty parade and the students surveyed the catwalk and eventually decided – ‘That’s the one for me.’

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I am the Living Bread

Friday 10 August 2018

How often have you heard about the importance of a work-life balance? I’m always tempted to point out that I’m very much alive at work.

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