You’re decorating too early! It’s not Christmas, it’s Advent!
As I write this in November, I have already been to look at Christmas lights and Christmas trees that have been put up in the shops and spaces around where I live.
In recent years a new business opportunity has emerged: increasingly extravagant Advent Calendars.
The Servant King
The Jewish leaders jeered at Jesus: ‘He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Messiah [or King] whom God has chosen.’
Berlin 30 years on
It was the most exciting middle of the night work phone call ever.
The Cloak and The Beggar
In recognition of the Patronal celebrations this week, I was asked to reflect on what the story of St Martin means to me and the work of The Connection.
All Saints and All Souls
I am spending this autumn living and working in India.
Just Take a Listen
Ok, settle yourself. Pay attention to what you hear when you’re quiet, in this mostly quiet place.
The Beloved Physician
This is the week in which we celebrate the Feast of St Luke.
90 Not Out
I was born in Bristol 14 October 1929 weighing all of 5lb 2oz.