Small actions and big impacts
My boss in my last job was often heard to say with regard to a tricky issue “You can’t boil the ocean”.
Thought for the Week, Sunday 14 March 2021
This year I’m watching the steady increase in daylight hours with heightened interest, along with the appearance of the blue of iris flowers and the yellow of daffodils in my garden.
How to be Happy
Last week, BBC Radio 4’s Positive Thinking explored the question of ‘how to be happy’.
The Best Wine
At our Lent Group in which we are reflecting on John’s Gospel, this week we looked at the Wedding of Cana.
Standing on the Threshold
In her poem, Prospective Immigrants, Please Note, Adrienne Rich (1929-2012), invites her readers to consider a rich definition of immigrants.
St. Valentine’s Day
Geoffrey Chaucer’s 14th century poem Parlement of Foules contains what is probably the first written reference to the idea that St. Valentine’s Day is a special day for lovers.
Saving the Best till Last
The pandemic, undiscriminating in its cruelty, has claimed the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore, aged 100.