Where Your Treasure is. Where is My Treasure?
Recently I’ve been thinking about money.
‘A Sonnet for St Benedict’
You sought to start a simple school of prayer,
Live everything
This week a family who are very dear to me have made the immensely painful decision to give up their 4-year-old foster daughter.
Should I watch Love Island?
Musing on my reaction to a contestant’s dramatic weeping in a recent episode of Love Island, I naturally turned to Book 3 of St. Augustine’s “Confessions”.
The Russians Are My Children Too
There’s been a lot going on in the news this week.
Stick to religion?
When a member of Parliament’s Home Affairs Select Committee says of Archbishop Welby: ‘The archbishop should stick to religion and keep out of politics.’ what do we think?
4 June 2023 Newsletter Cover
I missed the Pentecost Eucharist last Sunday morning with its wonderful readings about the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, the varieties of gifts, services and activities of the Spirit, and how Jesus had breathed on the disciples saying ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’.
Why am I a Christian?
This question came to me on a recent trip to India.
Lay Ministry
The weekend of our annual meeting is a good time to think about lay ministry.