Sunday 19 January
Last Monday evening, seventy three Companions of Nazareth from around the world gathered on Zoom to be led into a time of Centering Prayer.
I’ve been reading a book by Jonathan Haidt, a cultural psychologist, The Righteous Mind.
Come And See
I’ve loved being part of our Christmas Eve Crib Service, a unique mix of nativity play, pantomime, and Momentum rally.
Third Sunday of Advent
This Advent we have been reflecting on the theme of peace.
The Second Sunday of Advent
I went to a football match recently, our local team, Barnet, the ‘Bees’ after their distinctive orange and black striped kit.
The Appeal of Christmas
Much of preparing for Christmas is about wishes.
Christ the King
Earlier this month I happened to be in New York on the day of the US election.
I know when I feel safe, and yet that feeling, one so hard to describe, is unlike any other.