The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
The 2019 film, The Professor and the Madman, set in London, beginning in 1872, tells the story of an American surgeon and Civil War veteran, William Chester Minor, who, in a fit of paranoid rage, wrongly believing there to be a plot to murder him, shoots and kills George Merrett, leaving a widow, Eliza, and six orphaned children.
The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
I wonder if you are a person who loses things and spends a lot of time looking for something that you have just put down but just can’t remember where.
Mental Health
If people were falling and breaking their leg across the country, editorials would be demanding an inquiry. Health and safety requirements would change within hours.
Let Mutual Love Continue
A Sermon preached at St Martin-in-the-Fields on September 1, 2019 by Revd Dr Sam Wells
The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
The intriguingly named Kinky Friedman, a Jewish singer/songwriter, ran as an independent for governor of Texas in 2006. He was asked about his views on same-sex marriage. He replied, ‘I support gay marriage. I believe they have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us.’
Let Mutual Love Continue
Duration: 15:48
Recorded on: 01.09.2019
File Size: 14.48 MB
The Quality of Mercy
Duration: 18:18
Recorded on: 25/08/2019
File Size: 16.77 MB
The Tenth Sunday after Trinity
Those of you who have read the flyer, for our Autumn Lecture series will have seen that our theme is the quality of mercy. Mercy feels a slightly anachronistic word today, in a culture and political backdrop which often appears to be one of blame, hostility and increasing division.
Optimism, realism and hope
Duration: 15:18
Recorded on: 18.08.2019
File Size: 14.02 MB