
Richard Carter on Encounter

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Duration: 1:45

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The Word of Eternal Life

Sunday 26 August 2018

Duration: 16:16
Recorded on: 26.08.2018
File Size: 15,266 KB

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Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 26 August 2018

I returned to St Martin’s yesterday from a holiday during which I visited in Chennai in India. Absence they say makes the heart grow fonder. There is truth in this. Yesterday I came into this church in the morning hungry not only for the quiet and beauty of this place but, disorientated and tired after my long flight and the experience I had been through

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Eighth Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 22 July 2018

On Friday I was at my mother’s house. She needs full time care now, as she has dementia and no mobility and my younger brother who cares for her like a saint is away on holiday.

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Address given at the Funeral of Sibyl Allen

Wednesday 18 July 2018

In the October November issue of the St Martin’s Review 1996 there is an article about Sibyl. The title of the article is “If in doubt ask Sibyl” That I think would be a very fitting epitaph for a woman who became a St Martin’s legend. Sibyl’s family connections with St Martin-in-the-Fields go back to 1910 when her mother Rose Saxby first began attending services here.

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The Goal

Friday 22 June 2018

It’s always a tense experience watching England play football. This year everyone has tried to play down the hype and stress the unity and youth of the team and a realistic optimism. But you can still sense the readiness for national soul searching and despair just beneath the surface should they fail.

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Living by Faith

Sunday 17 June 2018

Duration: 15:23
Recorded on: 27 June 2018
File Size:

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The Third Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 17 June 2018

“For we walk by faith” says St Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians. But how easy is it to do that, to walk by faith? Is it even desirable? In the age of risk assessment and the increasing need for constant vigilance and accountability can we really afford to walk by faith?

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Living in the Midst of the Trinity

Sunday 27 May 2018

Duration: 16:09
Recorded on: 27.05.2018
File Size: 15,155KB

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