The New and Living Way
Duration: 12:12
Recorded on: 18.11.2018
File Size: 11,443 KB
The Second Sunday before Advent
When I was in year 4, school was really only about one thing. That one thing was the football game we played at break time. One day the ball got kicked onto the school roof by mistake. My friends and I faced the unthinkable prospect of 45 minutes’ break time with no ball to entertain us. Can you imagine?
Stand Therefore
Duration: 9:48
Recorded on: 11.11.2018
File Size: 9,209 KB
Patronal Festival
In 1915 the American physiologist Walter Bradford Cannon coined the term ‘fight or flight’ to describe how the nervous system of an animal’s body responds to threats. Quickly the insight was applied to human reactions in a much wider context.
Discovering Who We Are
Duration: 12:36
Recorded on: 04.11.2018
File Size: 11,815 KB
All Saints Eucharist
Two years ago in the Brexit referendum this country was divided between leavers and remainers. In truth few remainers believed the European Union was the fount of every blessing, while few leavers really thought Britain would finally realise its eternal destiny the moment it left the EU.
Things too Wonderful for Me
Duration: 14:32
Recorded on: 28.10.2018
File Size: 13,631 KB
The Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity
I wonder, when you lie on your bed, how long it takes you to get to sleep. There’s something extraordinarily vulnerable about lying down with your eyes closed not knowing what will happen next. It puts us on touch with our isolation.
Something Worth Sharing: Disability Day
I don’t really like the term practical theology. I don’t like it because for me all theology is practical. So to employ the term practical theology is to suggest two things that in my view are mistaken. The first is that theology is abstract and arcane, and that practical theology is the part that brings it down to earth.