The Second Sunday of Easter
It’s about the oldest joke in the book. In a pantomime it’s called ‘He’s behind you.’ The point is, the audience can see something the character on stage can’t see. The thing is, it never stops being funny. In the classic Fawlty Towers version, Basil Fawlty is horrified to find a dead body in his hotel, and refuses to fess up, even when the poor man’s relatives come looking for him
The Magnificent Seven
Duration: 11:35
Recorded on: 21/04/2019
File Size: 10.62 MB
Easter Sunday
Each year on New Year’s Eve I gather round the dinner table with family and friends and we give each other time and space to remember and describe the best day of the year just gone. It’s not always the happiest or the most memorable, but often the day that just had everything – that summed up the previous twelve months.
Rwandan Genocide
Twenty-five years ago this week a plane carrying the Rwandan president was shot down on its descent into Kigali. In the hundred days that followed, soldiers and militias slaughtered an estimated 800,000 people
I am About to Do a New Thing
Duration: 11:56
Recorded on: 07.09.2019
File Size: 10.93 MB
The Fifth Sunday of Lent
I once was invited to address an annual meeting of a regional religious society. That meant before I got up to speak there was half an hour of the legal business of the organisation to sit through. The chair received the secretary’s report; and once it had been digested, the chair said, ‘I need to tell you that our secretary has decided that it is time to stand down, and that, after 8 years of loyal service, we shall be needing to look for a successor. Are there any nominations?’ There were none.
The Slovaks have just elected a president with no political experience. The Ukrainians look like they’re about to. America did so recently; so did the French.
It’s quite normal for interviewers to expect that we have experience as well as skills and good character to be eligible for a job. But experience isn’t always a perfect preparation
Strengthened in your Inner Being
Anne would be the last person to want me to waste time today talking about her. She wasn’t an argumentative person, but she had a way of speaking that gave you the impression that she’d pronounced the last word on the subject.
Mexican Letter
On Monday the President of Mexico said, ‘I have sent a letter to the king of Spain and another to the Pope … urging them to apologise to the indigenous peoples for the violations of what we now call their human rights.’ He said there couldn’t be reconciliation until there was forgiveness.