God in Our Hands
A Sermon preached at St Martin-in-the-Fields on 24 December 2020 by Revd Dr Sam Wells
Christmas Day
A British preacher went to visit the United States. She’d prepared a careful three-point sermon on the subject of the word ‘But.’
Christmas Eve, Midnight Mass
May I speak in the name of the living God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Tonight we celebrate one of the greatest mysteries of all time.
And many of us will mark this mystery by the giving and receiving of gifts.
The First Sunday of Christmas
I want to think with you this morning about how we come to be part of God’s family. And in thinking about being part of God’s family, I want to explore how being adopted is at the very heart of the process.
Christmas Day
I wonder how you have arrived at this Christmas Day, grateful for peace because all your visitors have come and everything is ready and you can enjoy one another.
A Christmas Message from Revd Dr Sam Wells
The Grenfell Tower disaster clustered together what’s terrifyingly and horrifyingly amiss about our society and showed us so many kinds of wrong. But it also showed us the meaning of Christmas.
Midnight Mass
There are two kinds of things: those that abide forever; and those that last for a limited period. The things that abide forever we call essence; the things that last for a limited period we call existence.
Christmas Eve
My grandson Joshua is two today. It is fascinating being part of the growth and development of a young child, particularly as a grandparent when you can remember what happened with your own children and also see the way in which, in this case, my daughter and son-in-law approach their role as parents.