Church Life in Lockdown
In light of the guidance from London councils and Bishop Sarah, we will be worshipping online until Wednesday 10 March. To join us for live-stream services please use our Facebook page or St Martin’s Digital. Join us in the building from Wednesday 10 March.

New online worship initiatives. We invite everyone to join with us in lighting a candle at the start of our worship to symbolise the presence of the Holy Spirit in each home, as well as in church.

Special Parochial Church Meeting/today, 6pm, on Zoom. This meeting is for the consideration of a report on changes to the voting procedures at future Annual Parochial Church Meetings. Please email if you have any questions. The zoom link is or use meeting code 879 5476 6733 passcode 406534. To dial in by telephone call any of the following numbers: 0203 481 5237 / 0203 481 5240 / 0203 901 7895 / 0131 460 1196 / 0203 051 2874.

Inspired to Follow: ‘Who is my Neighbour? – A journey through Lent’/today, 2pm, zoom. Register here.

Lent Art Oasis/today, 3-5pm on Zoom. An opportunity to read a Bible passage then have time in our own homes to use art materials we have to hand, to explore the passage for ourselves. Email to receive the Zoom link.

Sermon Preparation Workshop/Tuesday 9 March, 4.30pm, livestreamed on the HeartEdge Facebook page.

Annual Archbishop Romero Service/Saturday 13 March, 11am. Livestreamed from St Martin-in-the-Fields on YouTube.

Fortnightly Children’s Church/Sunday 14 March 4-5pm for children aged 4-12 on Zoom. For more information email

Phone Prayer/Mondays, 3.30-4.15pm. Call Christian on 07846195972 or email

Lent Youth Group/Tuesdays, 7pm-7.30pm until 30 March. For more info contact Suitable for teenagers.

Faith Companions are groups of 3-4 congregation members who commit to making contact with each other once a week through the pandemic. If you are not in a faith companions group and would like to be contact

Baptisms and Confirmations with Bishop Sarah. This has been postponed due to lockdown. If you haven’t been baptised or confirmed yet, please speak to Sally for more information.