Today/Crèche at St Martin’s. For the 0-4 age group, with trained childcare leaders, takes place in the Austen Williams Room every Sunday. Please ask a steward to show you where to go.

Today/Children’s C-Club Programme, 11.30am, Dick Sheppard Chapel. One day flames came from Heaven. Today as we continue our journey through the Book of Acts, join us as we see the surprising effect of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles.

Today/Disability Advisory Group/12-2pm, Austen Williams Room. This termly open meeting gathers people with insight or experience of physical, sensory, cognitive or mental health issues to help shape our vision and work. All are welcome to join us, including for our renowned bring and share lunch! If you’d like to know more, please speak to Fiona MacMillan or Jonathan Evens, or email

Today/Discussion Group. A new informal group led by Georgie, meeting from 12-1pm in the Tutu room to discuss faith, using today’s sermon as a starting point. Future dates are 23 June, 21 July and 4 August- no need to come to all, but dip in and out.

Today/Christian Faith and Ecology in an Unfinished Universe Eco Church Lecture/Sunday 2 June, 1.50-3.30pm, St James’ Church, Piccadilly. John F. Haught, distinguished Research Professor, lectures on a sacramental approach to Christian ecological theology. Free tickets available by emailing

This Week/Club Wednesday/Wednesday 5 June. Choral Eucharist at 1.00pm followed by lunch at 6, St Martin’s Place. Revd Sally Hitchiner speaks about her life and what drew her to St Martin’s.

This Week/Joint event with our Chinese Congregations/Thursday 6 June 2019, 6.30pm, St Martin’s Hall – talk (in English) followed by drinks reception. Yi Chen will speak on Pots and thrones: ritual bronze vessels of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Free tickets from or phone Jonathan Evens on 020-7766-1127 and leave your name and phone number.

Next Sunday/Revd Paul Lau’s retirement as Associate Vicar for Chinese/Sunday 9 June. Rt Revd Andrew Chan will be our preacher as we thank Paul for his 19 years of ministry among us. If you would like to make a contribution to a present, please speak to the clergy. All welcome to attend his farewell party in the Hall after the 10am service, or events to mark the union of our churches.

Next Sunday/Drawing Group/Sunday 9 June, 12-2.00pm, George Richards & Austen Willams rooms. Each month for two hours the drawing club will meet and draw together. The aim of this group is to encourage and practice together. Materials, objects to draw and step-by-step help for those beginners are all provided. So, no previous experience is necessary and all are welcome.

Next Sunday/Tea in the Garden/Sunday 9 June, 2pm-5pm. Fundraiser for Christian Aid and Doctors of the World – tea, coffee, cakes, plants and time to relax in a garden. At the home of Sarah and Jim Sikorski, 30 Cator Rd, Sydenham, SE26 5DS. All welcome.

Great Sacred Choral Classics: Faith, Hope and Love – Hope/Monday 10 June, 6.30pm. Join St Martin’s Voices directed by Andrew Earis and led by Revd Dr Sam Wells in a free hour-long exploration of Hope, including Palestrina Sicut cervus and Rutter Look at the world. All are welcome. A retiring collection is taken to support the work of St Martin-in-the-Fields.

Friends of St Martin’s Festival – Save the Date/Saturday 15 June. The Festival will be held in St Martin’s Hall, including AGM, Eucharist and lunch. The afternoon session from 2pm will include contribution from our Associate Vicar for Ministry, Revd Sally Hitchiner, and Katy Shaw on the Building Futures project. All are welcome to share in this exciting day in the life of St Martin’s.

Stewards’ Briefing/Sunday 16 June, 11.30am-12.30pm. This will take place in church directly after the 10am service. If you would like to volunteer at one of these services and have to yet done so, please contact Helen Riley ( or Kristine Wellington (

Theology Group/Sunday 16 June, 12-1pm, Austen Williams Room. Theology Group is an opportunity to reflect theologically on issues of the day and questions of forever with Revd Dr Sam Wells. All are welcome.

Please join Open Circle, (20s, 30s+), for a picnic at Mudchute Farm on Saturday 15 June 2019 in the afternoon. Please email Francesco Aresco ( or for more details and to RSVP. If the weather is inclement, Ivan Yuen will be hosting us instead.

Welcome Course. If you are new to St Martin’s over the past 12 months and would like to find out what we are about and have a chance to make some friends who are also new, you are very welcome to join a 4 week ‘Welcome Course’ run by the clergy from Sunday 23 June to 14 July between 12-1.30pm. There are 8 places available for the first course. A soup and bread lunch is provided. Register with Sally, the Associate Vicar for Ministry.

Parish Away Day: What is Church?/Saturday 13 July. Flyers now available in church – please return an application form or sign up and pay online at

Nominate St Martin’s. Please nominate St Martin-in-the-Fields to receive a £1,000 donation from Ecclesiastical Insurance. St Martin-in-the-Fields registered charity number is 1110406. The website is

Stacey Cooper. It is with sadness that we announce that Stacey Penny Cooper, beloved member of our congregation, died unexpectedly on 25 May 2019 after a brief illness. Stacey served on the board of St. Martin-in-the-Fields and will be missed by many here. Please carry her husband Oliver and all who grieve her in your prayers.