This year marks a significant milestone for our Chinese-speaking Congregation: our 60th anniversary. In the traditional Chinese calendar, 60 years, or (jat1 gaap3 zi2), represents the completion of one full cycle—a journey through time filled with many seasons of growth, changes, and renewal. As we reach this pivotal moment, we find ourselves not only looking back with gratitude but also forward with hope and anticipation for what lies ahead.

September marks the completion of our first year under lay-led leadership, a transition that came as our congregation faced vast restructuring. In this process, we are reimagining who we are and how we walk together in faith. Like a child learning to walk, we take cautious steps, yet with determination and trust in the One who guides us.

This journey hasn’t been without its challenges. As we embrace the changing demographics of our congregation—honouring the old, welcoming the new, and supporting those seeking spiritual growth—we navigate between people’s hopes and fears. Miscommunication, disappointment, and disagreements arise, but God’s love sustains us. Our members are a rich tapestry, from the last generation of migrants who laid the foundation of our church to newer arrivals who bring fresh energy and perspectives. While diversity is our strength, it also challenges us to be creative and adaptable in how we serve and engage.

Despite these hurdles, we continue to thrive. This is evident in the initiatives that have emerged—the Food for Our Home project, which unites people from diverse backgrounds around the table, the warm fellowship of our Home Kindred Café, the harmonies of our joint choirs, and the simple yet profound way we serve one another through the sharing of food, a beloved tradition in our culture.

As we celebrate, we reflect on the highs and lows of our 60-year journey. Like any cycle, there have been seasons of joy and times of uncertainty. Yet, through it all, we have persevered by the grace of God, drawing strength from his faithfulness and the love we share as a community.

Join us for a special thanksgiving service at 1:30pm, followed by a tea party and dinner. It will be a time to give thanks, reflect, and look ahead with hope as we begin the next chapter of our journey, trusting in God’s continued guidance and blessings.

Joseph Lam, Mission and Welcome, Chinese Lay Leadership Team