It can be all too easy to be completely wrapped up in everything that is going on around us and in the world. In Trafalgar Square we see the beginnings and endings of protests, we are in the middle of running and cycle races, and we see festivals being celebrated by people from many different faiths and walks of life. It can sometimes feel a bit too much. I have this quote on the wall above my laptop:


It does not mean to be in a place

Where there is no noise, trouble

Or hard work. It means to be in

The midst of those things and still

Be calm in your heart.


This isn’t saying that we shouldn’t join protest marches or be active in campaigning for matters that are close to our hearts (my understanding of my own Christian faith is that we should be doing all we can to fight injustice in the world).

Whatever the near and far future holds, what actually matters is our right relationship with God. To live in the peace that the quote suggests we must be angry about the injustices in the world, but also to learn to live with God’s peace in our hearts.

(I haven’t been able to find the source of the quote. If you know it, please let me know!)

Jen Adam