A question I get asked more than any other in the context of my work, particularly at this time of year, is: “what should I do if someone asked me for money on the street”? Encountering people in destitution and distress who are sleeping rough can be uncomfortable and the question “can you spare any change” reflects someone in need reaching out to you for help.

Rough sleeping is not created as a result of one person’s poor decisions or a lifestyle choice. It is created by conditions around all of us in laws, policies and systems and how these shape the way resources are allocated. If rough sleeping is created by our society, then it can be ended by our society and that means us – individuals, charities, councils, community groups, businesses and faith organisations.

The Connection is a proud founding member of the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping. It’s been created by those of us working in homelessness to bring everyone together around a common goal to end rough sleeping. It communicates what rough sleeping looks like in London and the best ways you can help.

The principles of the Charter are:

  • Accepting people – they are sleeping rough and may have problems but they aren’t problem people;
  • Preventing people from sleeping rough in the first place – addressing the underlying causes and what traps people on the street.
  • Being open-minded – everyone rough sleeping is unique, and there should be meaningful options for all, regardless of immigration status.
  • Working in partnership with people who have experienced sleeping rough to develop and deliver solutions.
  • Helping people thrive through putting in place support, community links and accommodation
  • Ensuring safety for everyone – people sleeping rough must be safe from violence, abuse, theft and discrimination, and have the full protection of the law.

If you are nodding your head and saying “yes” to these principles, I encourage you to sign up to the Charter online. You can do so as an individual, business, faith or community group, charity or public body. The Connection is already signed up, so is St Martin’s Church. The website is here https://www.endroughsleepinglondon.org.uk/charter and it also has some concrete suggestions for you about how you can help. Please sign it today and tell everyone you know to do the same. People sleeping rough in London need you.

Pam Orchard