Open Circle
Open Circle – for Sunday Morning Congregation members who are in their 20s or 30s. We have Sunday lunch together most weeks and various other inexpensive activities.
For more information contact
The Archers
Monthly meeting for those who are the sorts of people who listen to The Archers. The evenings begin with the Eucharist followed by a shared meal followed by activity or discussion as we share our faith together.
For more information contact Michael Moran or Ruth Hutchinson via the Parish Office.

Club Wednesday
On the first Wednesday of each month older members of the congregation meet for lunch and stimulating conversation often with a speaker after the mid-week 1pm Choral Eucharist in the church.
For more information speak to Revd Richard Carter via the Parish Office.
The St Martin’s Breakfast Group
The St Martin’s breakfast group meets every other Wednesday in La Roche coffee shop on St Martin’s Lanefrom 7.45-8.30am. All are welcome. For more information contact Dan Kaszeta or Phyllis Santa Maria via the parish office.