At The Connection we, as with many organisations, were busy during the Election. One of our highlights was holding a hustings for people with experience of homelessness, and those who are concerned about homelessness. We were delighted that 8 of the 11 candidates for the Cities of London and Westminster came to represent their views. All of the candidates showed a real interest in our work and several of our clients and ex-clients asked great questions.

Our new MP takes housing and homelessness really seriously. She has also condemned the current spate of violent outbursts in communities across the UK. Although the situation is dispiriting, I am heartened by the responses of local people, who take pride in their area and work together to mend fences, replace windows, clear up the destruction and move on.

Community is incredibly important to us at The Connection. Our Community Team, along with all of our staff members, dedicate themselves to building the Connection Community. This means creating an environment of safety and acceptance. WE do this in our welcome to new people, our boundaries for behaviour within the centre and our emphasis on relationship building.

We also celebrate Pride, Black History Month, International Women’s Day and World Homelessness Day alongside many other highlights during the year. Our clients and staff team reflect a rich and varied society – this makes us very proud.

In a difficult week, it’s really important for us to focus on those things which unite us. At St Martins, we have all made an active choice to invest in our similarities and to take heart from the different perspectives and backgrounds people bring. Take a moment once you’ve read this piece to reach out to the person next to you with a smile and greeting.

Pam Orchard