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Parish Carol Services

A beautiful candlelit celebration of the Christmas story.

Midnight Mass

St Martin-in-the-Fields

The climax of all our Advent preparation and Christmas worship as we light the Christmas candle and welcome the Christ child.

Eucharist Service

Join us as we celebrate Christmas with our combined English and Chinese speaking congregations.

BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship

All are welcome to join the congregation for this recording of BBC Radio 4 Sunday Worship marking the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the People Act.

Time to Talk

A service of Reflection for Those Affected by Suicide.

Schools Service

St Martin-in-the-Fields

An annual celebration of the two schools founded at St Martin-in-the-Fields.

Archbishop Romero Service

St Martin-in-the-Fields

An ecumenical service to mark the 38th anniversary of the martyrdom of Archbishop Oscar Romero

Parish Eucharist with Palm Sunday Procession

St Martin-in-the-Fields

The Eucharist (or Holy Communion or Mass) is the central act of Christian worship. This week we celebrate Palm Sunday with a procession with palms, led by a donkey, into church and a dramatised reading of the Passion Gospel.

From Creation to Salvation

St Martin-in-the-Fields

A beautiful 45 minute service of words and music, telling the story of salvation as we enter into Holy Week.