Parish Eucharist
St Martin-in-the-FieldsThe Eucharist (or Holy Communion or Mass) is the central act of Christian worship. This is celebrated on Sundays and each day throughout the week.
The Eucharist (or Holy Communion or Mass) is the central act of Christian worship. This is celebrated on Sundays and each day throughout the week.
Join our Chinese Speaking Congregations for a special joint Service in Mandarin and Cantonese.
A sequence of words and music as we approach 2018, sung by St Martin's Voices and introduced by the Revd Dr Sam Wells
Morning and Evening Prayer provide the heartbeat of our daily worshipping life with the daily reading of the Scriptures and saying of the Psalms. This prayerful presence provides a structure that shapes our life as a Christian community.
A New Year’s celebration with the fantastic Festive Orchestra of London, featuring works by Handel, Mozart and Bach.