Church Services
Our church is open throughout the week from 9am-5pm and you are welcome to join us for Morning Prayer in the building along with our Sunday and Wednesday services. Our services continue to be available online.
Please join us in the building, or on St Martin’s Digital or Facebook
Monday-Thursday 8.30-9.00am Morning Prayer*
Monday 1.00-1.30pm In Every Corner Sing (during term-time)
Tuesday 1.00-1.30pm Said Eucharist
Wednesday 1.00-2.00pm Choral Eucharist
Wednesday 4.00-4.45pm Choral Evensong (during term-time, said evening prayer outside of term)
Wednesday 5.00-6.00pm Silent Hour
Wednesday 6.30-7.30pm Bread for the World*
Thursday 1.00-1.30pm Great Sacred Music*
Friday 8.30-9.00am Morning Song*
Saturday 8.00-9.00am Contemplative Prayer (online only)*
Sunday 10.00-11.00am Eucharist* **
Sunday 1.30-2.30pm Cantonese Service**
Sunday 3.15-4.00pm Choral Classics
Sunday 5.00-6.00pm Choral Evensong
First Sunday of every Sacred Space*
month 7.00-8.00pm
Services marked * are available to attend online and services marked ** have children’s church groups during the service.
Please note Monday services do not take place on bank holidays.
During the summer term, our choirs take a break and some services which are usually sung will be said during this time. During the summer term there is no Morning Song, instead we have Morning Prayer in church.