Fasting Reconsidered

Sunday 17 March 2024

Raised in a culture of Lenten self-denial, I learned to give things up.

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Mothering Sunday

Sunday 10 March 2024

Last Friday I attended a study day at St Christopher’s hospice entitled ‘The Case for Contemplative Care’.

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3 March 2024 Newsletter Cover

Sunday 3 March 2024

We recently spent a couple of nights with a friend who has retired to a beautiful cottage by a river on the edge of Dartmoor.

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Sunday 25 February 2024

‘Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return….’

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The One and Only

Sunday 18 February 2024

It was about 2004 when I realised I hated Valentine’s Day.

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Encountering poetry

Sunday 11 February 2024

For the Lent Course this year we will have a marvellous guide – Mark Oakley – who writes with such humanity, depth and humour about the poetic voice.

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The Problem of Language

Sunday 4 February 2024

I have long been troubled by the gendering of God.

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Homelessness Sunday

Sunday 28 January 2024

Darkness: deep navy sky, punctuated with minute specks of starlight, not enough to light the path ahead.

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The wedding at Cana

Sunday 21 January 2024

I’ve been having a clear out.

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