Our theme for this year’s autumn lecture series, as you may have seen, is Inspiration: The Influences that have shaped my Life.
Hope in our Community
At The Connection we, as with many organisations, were busy during the Election.
The open hearts and open hands of Solomon Islanders
In June, I spent just over two weeks in the Solomon Islands, spending time with three Anglican religious communities on the main island of Guadalcanal.
The Power of the Dog-Collar
I have had more conversations with strangers in the past week than I have had all year.
14 July 2024 Newsletter Cover
Last week I walked around Queen Mary Gardens at the heart of Regent’s Park for Nazareth Contemplative prayer.
A message from Sally
As I approach the end of my study leave, I’m writing with an update.
Sursum Corda
Why has the Eucharist been the centre of most Christians’ communal worship across the Church’s history, a practice we keep today?