Interrupting the Silence
Lockdown has its challenges. One of mine has been teaching my grandson, aged 12, to solve ever more complex simultaneous equations over Whatsapp.
Carry On
Until a few months ago, the ubiquitous “Keep calm and carry on” slogans with the many variations felt very hackneyed and irrelevant. In the light of our current circumstances, I’m reconsidering my view.
Is it Impossible?
At the end of Acts 2, we read an inspiring account of the church immediately following Pentecost… It’s often dismissed a rather idyllic picture, impossible to replicate.
When he was at the table…
For me, Sunday worship now takes place in the kitchen, where candles and palm cross have joined the salt and pepper and unopened post on the table.
Looking Up
The sculptor Helaine Blumenfeld has a major exhibition at Canary Wharf that opened shortly before lockdown.
The Empty Tomb
For decades, even centuries, the battle raged in the early Church. Did Jesus rise bodily from the dead? Was the tomb empty?
A Story in Three Parts
I’ve started to think of this pandemic season in terms of the Noah story.
Week One of Lockdown
It seems like the period of the rules changing every day might be over, and the country is getting used to a very different rhythm of life.