
Friday 20 September 2019

When I was younger, we were told when visiting the country that we should ‘Leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but photographs.’

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The Quality of Mercy in Preaching

Friday 13 September 2019

Our Autumn Lecture Series began on Wednesday in a packed church.

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Friday 6 September 2019

I’ve never been a great one for New Year’s resolutions, but if I was, this seems a much better time for them than January.

Read More about Resolutions

Heaven in Ordinary

Friday 30 August 2019

Soon after I arrived at St Martin’s I commented that being here had similarities to being at the Greenbelt Festival, but on an ongoing basis.

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Honour the Sabbath Day

Thursday 22 August 2019

So are holidays a break from real life, a pleasant distraction until the meaningful stuff – work – recommences? As someone who works in HR, most of my professional life is based on an assumption that work is valuable and fulfilling.

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Friday 16 August 2019

It can be all too easy to be completely wrapped up in everything that is going on around us and in the world.

Read More about Peace

Happy Holidays!

Thursday 15 August 2019

For many of us in central London, August is as close as we get to a collective break in work.

Read More about Happy Holidays!

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord

Friday 2 August 2019

So I’m not quite out the door yet.

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A Message from the Moon

Friday 26 July 2019

That ‘one small step for a man’ is a moving memory for me having got up in the dead of night as a small boy and been allowed to watch the drama live on a very small black and white TV in my parents’ bedroom.

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