I’ve been vicar of St Martin’s for eight years but I still find myself baffled by homelessness.
What’s it all about?
During lockdown I subscribed to an online course. The theme was ageing wisely. The main thing I learned was that I should be old enough and wise enough not to waste my money on such things!
On holy ground
The logo created to advertise Telling Encounters, this year’s Disability conference, features the burning bush.
We, who are many, are one body…
My first post-COVID non-virtual service was in my parents’ ancient parish church a couple of weeks ago.
The recent weather challenges the rather pompous patronising saying that ‘horses sweat, men perspire and ladies glow’.
Thought for the Week
Last Saturday at our Nazareth Community meeting we read the Gospel passage, Matthew 26:36-45, where Jesus went to pray in the garden of Gethsemane with his disciples.
The Uncomfortable Words
One of the joys of lockdown has been being part of the lay compline rota.
Thought for the Week: Are you tired?
Are you tired? I was speaking with a member of our congregation this week who told me he was “tired to [his] bones.”