Sunday 22 November
The liturgical or church year ends today, there are probably a number of other things we would like to end today, but let’s not go there.
Sunday 15 November
Did you know that the word vaccine comes from the Latin vaccinus – pertaining to a cow.
Remembrance (Written on the eve of lockdown and the morning after the US Election)
What a week to be writing this:
Sunday 1 November
My uncle lives with dementia in a care home in the north west of England.
Sunday 25 October 2020
I last wrote for the newsletter in June when lockdown was easing and we were planning to re-open some Connection services back at Adelaide Street.
Bucking the Trend
We are told that we live in an age where inequality is increasing, that the wealthiest are becoming ever wealthier and the poorer ever poorer.
Giving and Receiving
We all need moments of hope in these difficult times and I would like to share one of those moments with you.
Imagine That!
I grew up believing that imagination belonged to children and artists.
Visitation of God
One of oddities I recently found in my local second-hand bookshop was “Misery and Misfortune: Sudden Deaths in Suffolk 1800 – 1850”.