Saving the Best till Last
The pandemic, undiscriminating in its cruelty, has claimed the life of Captain Sir Tom Moore, aged 100.
Sunday 17 January
2020 will be a year that we will never forget and 2021 is starting in the same mould, although let’s pray that we remember it as the year that the pandemic is brought under control.
Sunday 10 January
On New Year’s Eve I stood on my 15th floor balcony and watched the fireworks.
Bringing new life to birth
Sam has helpfully been encouraging us in his recent prayers to note synergies between the waiting which Advent entails and our current experiences in the pandemic.
War is Over
So this is Christmas. And, asked John and Yoko, what have you done?
The Crib
When I moved to America in 2005, I was familiar with the phrase ‘culture wars,’ but I was yet to experience it first-hand.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Today marks the first Sunday in the liturgical year of Mark.