Sunday 18 July

Friday 16 July 2021

It was such a joy last weekend to celebrate our community life at the at home day, the parish Eucharist and the parish picnic.

Read More about Sunday 18 July

Sunday 11 July 2021

Friday 9 July 2021

In February 2020, I moved house.

Read More about Sunday 11 July 2021


Friday 2 July 2021

This week I saw in the dawn with my wakeful seven-week old daughter.

Read More about Inheritance

Alison Hardwick RIP

Friday 25 June 2021

Alison Hardwick, who died peacefully last Friday, loved reading, theatre and good films.

Read More about Alison Hardwick RIP

Changing one’s mind

Friday 11 June 2021

I recently watched a new documentary on Netflix about Peter Tatchell, the human rights – and particularly LGBT rights – campaigner.

Read More about Changing one’s mind

God’s Unfailing Word

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Of all the failings of the church – and there are so many – perhaps the greatest is its historical attitude to the Jews.

Read More about God’s Unfailing Word

Trinity Sunday – overcoming barriers

Friday 28 May 2021

As a young man I can vividly remember pondering, probably on a Trinity Sunday, the belief that there is only one God and God is equally Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Read More about Trinity Sunday – overcoming barriers

Happy Birthday

Sunday 23 May 2021

I want to do something very un-English today.

Read More about Happy Birthday

Sunday 16 May

Monday 17 May 2021

The UK is expecting 300,000 Hong Kongers to migrate to the UK from 31 January this year, up to 3 million Hong Kongers are eligible for this BNO (British National Overseas) Visa.

Read More about Sunday 16 May