The Fifth Sunday of Easter
You can live in a city and almost become unaware of the natural world, especially if like me you have no garden. It’s like missing a miracle of God in our midst.
Forgiveness in Text and Life
I envisage forgiveness as part of a twelve-step process as follows…
The Fourth Sunday of Easter
‘The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.’ Jesus repeats the phrase ‘lay down my life’ five times during his discourse about being the Good Shepherd…it is a phrase with multi-layered meanings that have significance for us in terms of laying down our lives and taking them up again.
The Third Sunday of Easter
It’s really good to welcome all of our visitors today. When you are a visitor to London one of the things that is a signature of London life are the words ‘Mind the Gap’ on the underground or Tube to remind you to be careful as your train comes to a station and you step onto the platform.
The Second Sunday of Easter
I want you to imagine that you were reaching a critical moment in your life and you had the opportunity to write a letter. You wouldn’t be writing to ask for help, because you wouldn’t be in the kind of situation where help was relevant.
Easter Day
In the English language we have many words and phrases that use the metaphor of a journey for aspects of our lives. When babies are born we say that they have arrived. When we have a big decision in front of us, we say we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Easter Day
Resurrection is a breathtaking mystery. It’s also the epicentre of the Christian faith. It’s something to be discovered, believed, and lived.
Good Friday
“There was a cross in the heart of God before there was one planted on the green hill in Jerusalem. And now that the cross of wood has been taken down, the one in the heart of God abides, and it will remain so long as there is one sinful soul for whom to suffer”
Maundy Thursday
Our theme for Lent this year has been Abiding, based on the book by Ben Quash. It has seen us reflect on how we abide with God in our care for others and in our relationships with them…