The Fifth Sunday of Lent

Sunday 7 April 2019

I once was invited to address an annual meeting of a regional religious society. That meant before I got up to speak there was half an hour of the legal business of the organisation to sit through. The chair received the secretary’s report; and once it had been digested, the chair said, ‘I need to tell you that our secretary has decided that it is time to stand down, and that, after 8 years of loyal service, we shall be needing to look for a successor. Are there any nominations?’ There were none.

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Tuesday 2 April 2019

The Slovaks have just elected a president with no political experience. The Ukrainians look like they’re about to. America did so recently; so did the French.
It’s quite normal for interviewers to expect that we have experience as well as skills and good character to be eligible for a job. But experience isn’t always a perfect preparation

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Mothering Sunday

Sunday 31 March 2019

Mum’s are not always easy. I know that. But they are still your mum. Sometimes they say or do terrible things mums do, stuff that other people could never say or think of saying. But they are still your mum.  And of one thing I am certain, that none of us would be here in this church without them. And children are not easy either. Think of the problems Jesus caused Mary.

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Strengthened in your Inner Being

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Anne would be the last person to want me to waste time today talking about her. She wasn’t an argumentative person, but she had a way of speaking that gave you the impression that she’d pronounced the last word on the subject.

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Mexican Letter

Wednesday 27 March 2019

On Monday the President of Mexico said, ‘I have sent a letter to the king of Spain and another to the Pope … urging them to apologise to the indigenous peoples for the violations of what we now call their human rights.’ He said there couldn’t be reconciliation until there was forgiveness.

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The Third Sunday of Lent

Sunday 24 March 2019

I’ve never had a conversion experience, but the closest I’ve come was in a rather dingy classroom in East London just over a decade ago.  More than a year into my ordination training, I still had no real idea why I was doing it – apart from the fact that all the people who could have prevented it, hadn’t. 

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The Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday 17 March 2019

‘Are you a Londoner?’ a journalist asked me last week. I found it a hard question to answer. I grew up in the West Country, although none of my family live there now. I was born in Canada, although my parents weren’t there very long.

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The First Sunday of Lent

Sunday 10 March 2019

Well, when it comes to giving up something for Lent, I didn’t expect to be giving up St Martin’s. It’s a big ask!
Perhaps what I am doing today, with Loren, rather than giving up St Martin’s is ‘disembarking’.

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The Last Sunday before Lent

Sunday 3 March 2019

There were fifty young Norwegians in this church yesterday asking me questions about St Martin’s and the question that always gets asked in this church is what does that east window mean? And my answer to those young people was. “What do you think it means? Look and see. There is no explanation better than the experience of you yourself.” When asked what they saw they were full of ideas. What do we see in today’s Gospel? 

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