Christmas Eve
When you sit down to try think about what to get your friends, family and colleagues for Christmas you realise there’s one person it’s impossible to buy a present for, because they don’t really have interests or their interests are so obscure you have no idea what will please them.
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
I wonder how you feel about your body.
The Second Sunday of Advent
I wonder what your favourite film of all time is? One of the top of my list would have to be Ken Loach’s Kes.
Advent Sunday
The words ‘Lighten our darkness’ begin one of the best-known prayers in the English language.
The First Sunday of Advent
It’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming…Football’s coming home
Black Friday, (in America the day after Thanksgiving), has become the feast of shopping. This year it it falls just a couple of weeks before this country goes to the polls.
The Second Sunday before Advent
Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom,
Lead thou me on;
St Martin’s Patronal Festival 2019
I want tonight to explain and explore the vision statement that the PCC has chosen for the life of our congregation. The statement is Being with God on the edge. Just six words. I’m going to take it in three stages, beginning with on the edge.
Remembrance Sunday
When we think together about war, as we do on this Sunday every year, we ponder three things