What Is the Bible For?
A Sermon preached at St Martin-in-the-Fields on 26 July 2020, the Seventh Sunday after Trinity, by the Revd Dr Sam Wells.
Sunday 19 July, Sixth Sunday after Trinity
A Sermon preached at St Martin-in-the-Fields on 19 July 2020, the Sixth Sunday after Trinity, by the Revd Harry Ching.
Sunday 12 July, Fifth Sunday after Trinity
A Sermon preached at St Martin-in-the-Fields on 12 July 2020, the Fifth Sunday after Trinity, by the Revd Catherine Duce.
The Winter is Over
A Sermon preached at St Martin-in-the-Fields on 5 July 2020, the Fourth Sunday after Trinity, by the Revd Dr Sam Wells
Is Anything too Wonderful for the Lord?
A Sermon preached at St Martin-in-the-Fields on 14 June 2020, the First Sunday after Trinity, by the Revd Dr Sam Wells.
The Spirituality of Charles de Foucauld
A Sermon preached at Bread for the World on 27 May 2020 by the Revd Catherine Duce.
The Fiery Ordeal
A Sermon preached at St Martin-in-the-Fields on 24 May 2020. the Seventh Sunday of Easter, by the Revd Dr Sam Wells.
Controversy, conversation and community
The closest I have come to my 15 minutes of fame or infamy was when I attracted the criticism of Archbishop Cranmer – the contemporary blogger, not the 16th century Reformer – by exhibiting a crucified stormtrooper in a church as part of a contemporary exhibition of Stations of the Cross.