Associate Choral Leaders

St Martin-in-the-Fields is pleased to announce an exciting new Associate Choral Leadership programme. The scheme offers opportunities for emerging choral conductors and vocal leaders to help establish new musical initiatives in churches across the UK. It is aimed at choral conductors and vocal leaders who are in the first few years of a professional career, and wish to develop their skills to a high level, working with a range of groups including children’s choirs, community groups, and choral scholars.

Click here to meet the Associate Choral Leaders for 2023-24.

Case study

In September 2023 Chloë Allison was appointed as one of our first Associate Choral Leaders, based at Dunstable Priory. She writes…

“At the start of the year, there was a small, non-auditioned junior choir who sang on Sunday mornings. The improvement they have made this year in terms of skill and confidence is huge. We have new members who now sing regularly and a music theory programme running for the choristers.

As well as this choir, a volunteer adult choir has been formed who have sung for a number of events this year, including advent and carol services, Pentecost and ‘come and sing’ services. We now have 40 adults who have sung with this choir on at least one occasion.

At the end of June, we have our first schools’ music outreach event, ‘Sing for Joy!’, which 75 junior school children from Dunstable will attend.

We have won funding from a charitable trust to establish a choral scholarship programme for 16-19 year olds from September. This is a unique opportunity in Bedfordshire and very rare for this age-group anywhere.”

Please email if you would like to be kept informed of future Associate Choral Leader positions.

Our music programmes are supported by generous donors, funders and members of the Music Patrons Circle. We are grateful to the following and those who have chosen to give their support anonymously.


  • The Arts Society
  • The Foundation for St Martin-in-the-Fields, London
  • Lord and Lady Lurgan Trust
  • The Pilling Trust Fund
  • The Williams Church Music Trust


  • Mary and Bryn Walters and family

Music Patrons Circle

  • Bernard and Phyllis Fisher
  • Lady Sarah Riddell
  • & Other Patrons