As I approach the end of my study leave, I’m writing with an update.

I have had a good sabbatical and I’m grateful to the clergy, church wardens and Jolley who have covered for my services and duties at St Martin’s. I have had a fruitful time studying for an MBA essentials course at LSE, as well as making the most of opportunities to engage with art and theology and travelling in Italy for the first time. My surgery and recovery went well, and I am now almost entirely back to my usual self. Taking time out from ministry has been an invaluable opportunity to recuperate after the pandemic and the period of building back.

My theme has been leadership-on-the-edge and I have found it thought provoking to stop and consider this rich topic at this point in my ordained ministry. Fiona and I have been surprised by how much this theme has opened up for me over this time. Over this period of reflection, I have come to the realisation that it is the right moment to explore the next chapter of my ministry in a new context, and I will be leaving St Martins to take a new role in October. There will be more details about this shared on Sunday. I’m grateful for the opportunity to use my notice period away from St Martin’s to the end of September to prepare for my new role, visiting similar churches and team settings who are doing interesting things we might learn from.

All this doesn’t lessen the sadness that Fiona and I hold to be leaving you and how grateful we are to everyone who has been part of our lives here. A particular thank you to Sam, Richard, Cath, Angela, Jonathan and Harry as well as the staff and lay leaders who have shared and supported our ministries. There are too many people and groups for us to list, but I hope you know individually how much you have meant to us.

We have walked together through unforgettable moments of national and global significance, but it will be the smiles, the honest conversations and shared humanity that we will hold closest. Thank you for sharing who you are with us. You will always be written on our hearts, and I am excited to share what I have discovered whilst on the journey with you in my next role.

Yours in Christ,