Our kitchen looks out to a beautiful beech tree. All summer long we have enjoyed watching it burst into leaf, seeing the squirrels run up and down its trunk and hear gentle breezes rustle its verdant canopy. It throws an incredible amount of shade into the garden, protecting us from the hot summer sun.

Autumn was late this year. The tree stayed green for weeks longer than we expected, right to the very end of October. Then, like a fire tickling the branches, the leaves gradually started to turn yellow, then orange, and finally brown. The final leaves fell this week, littering our garden and turning the lawn dark.

The tree is bare. Its empty silhouette still dominates our view. The garden feels empty and desolate. But look closer and the buds for next year’s leaves are already visible. I could not help but think of the approach of the beginning of advent, as we turn our thoughts to watching and waiting for the coming of a light in the darkness.

Frances Stratton