We are about to start a season where we look at our finances together. Between now and our Harvest Festival on the 8th October we will seek to gather not the traditional sheefs of wheat or the more contemporary cans of baked beans for the local food bank, but we will use this season for us all to look at our church finances together and each consider what might be a meaningful amount for us to give towards our shared congregational life.

I’m often struck by the generosity of the congregations of St Martin-in-the-Fields. We are a church that is committed not just to ourselves but sharing what we have with others, be they a traveller far from home, living on the streets of London, or a tourist looking for a moment’s peace from the bustle of Trafalgar Square. When it comes to giving, I speak to many who give to our charitable work, particularly The Connection and our Christmas Appeal and even more who have a generosity of spirit to those who ask for our help informally. This is important and I hope we continue to do that as Christians.

But there is a different sort of giving. This Harvest we are invited to consider how we fund our shared congregational life together. When we are the primary recipients of beautiful and thought-provoking services and congregation groups, it makes sense that we should each seek to fund those together. Not one of us has the capacity to fund all we share here alone, and we will need what each of us can contribute as we rebuild out of the pandemic. You don’t need me to tell you that this is not a small challenge. However, I hope that this season will be thrilling and one that deepens our connection to this place and each other as we consider what might be an even more meaningful contribution each of us can make to all we share here. I hope we can look back in future years with even more pride at all we have been as a church community for each other and all who come to us, each telling future generations “My contribution helped make that happen”.

Revd Sally Hitchiner