‘Do not be afraid!’ is repeated again and again from Genesis to Revelation. In the Gospels alone it is said over 20 times. From prophets and kings to angels and Jesus: they all have shared this phrase to comfort and encourage us, God’s people, when overwhelmed by guilt, worry, and anxiety.

Fear has become a prominent feature of today’s age at individual, community and national levels. Scarcity, difference and inadequacy seem to underpin much of what troubles us. Rationalised by thinking that says ‘There isn’t enough for everyone,’ ‘How can they think and behave like that?’ and ‘I’m not good enough and I’m an imposter.’ Realised and experienced in increasing prices and reducing access to amenities and goods, by creating criminalising narratives about others and closing borders, by withdrawing, hiding, and experiencing poor mental health.

Joseph said to his brothers not to be afraid, for they and their children will be provided for, and Jesus tells us not worry in the Sermon on the Mount about what we will eat, drink and wear for God knows what we need, but to instead focus on the kingdom. There is no sign of scarcity in his words. God speaks to Moses and to Malachi instructing them in no uncertain terms to be humble and love all who reside with them, for they too were foreigners in the land of Egypt. The angel Gabriel said to Mary don’t be afraid when she must have been – she was not good enough to be the mother of the living God.

While it is very much understandable that we are prone to so often feel fear, especially when these feelings are cultivated and exploited by some in power, by big business and each other, it is not inevitable that our entire lives be dictated by it. Instead let us open our hearts to receive the boundless love of God, sympathise and be humble, embracing the stranger, and take courage to share the good news and serve the fearful.

For all will be perfected in love. A love that drives out all fear!

Ben Sheridan