It’s annual meeting season. On Sunday 22 May at noon in the church and on zoom we hold our Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting is in almost every respect the annual general meeting of the PCC. It reviews the finances, appoints auditors, elects PCC and Deanery Synod members, and receives reports. It’s a chance to distil learnings and offer thank yous.

Churchwardens are elected annually for a maximum of six years. If you are on the electoral roll and would like to stand, please speak with me, and then find electoral members to propose and second you, and send their names, along with a paragraph introducing yourself and describing your suitability, and a photograph, to Wardens are elected for a year at a time, up to a maximum of six. Our two existing wardens have both been in post for a year. We have four vacancies on the PCC. If you are on the electoral roll and would like to stand, please speak to one of the clergy or current wardens and follow the procedure above. One difference this year is that the annual report and accounts are unlikely to be ready in time for the May 22 meeting. Thus the financial section of the meeting will be in outline form only, and there will be an opportunity at a later date to scrutinise the final figures.

St Martin’s stands at the intersection of church and civil society, faith and the arts, social concern and innovative media engagement, royal heritage and London life. We have great traditions to uphold and exciting futures to imagine. I am very grateful to those who invest in the governance of this complex institution; and equally appreciative of those who contribute in other ways. I wish you every blessing as you continue to reflect on what you and others bring to this unique community.

Revd Dr Sam Wells