In Mark’s gospel chapter four, Jesus and his disciples leave one side of the lake and travel across the water to another shore. On this trip they encounter a storm. Their faith is tested and strengthened. A calm and confident Jesus accompanies them whilst sleeping on a cushion. At the appointed time Jesus awakes and commands the storm to stop. Even the wind and the waves obey Him.

It is for the second time that I set sail from St Martin’s to face a huge transition in my life. In 2012, after a wonderful year of being Pastoral Assistant during the interregnum, I was sent off to theological college – setting sail to pastures new with all the unknowns of this journey ahead. Today I set sail from St Martin’s once again to face another transition – the journey into motherhood – with all the uncertainties of labour, new parenthood and new relationships that are to come. I am excited, terrified, grateful and humbled in equal measure. The disciple Peter inspires me. He learned not to look directly into the topsy-turvy storm that is to come but to focus on the presence of Christ at his side. I too love the idea of Christ sleeping calmly, confidently on a cushion beside me, resting but aware, steadily present and yet also attentive.

Today Revd Jonathan Evens also sets sail to new pastures too – to become Team Rector in the Wickford and Runwell Team Ministry. It has been an enormous privilege to work so closely with Jonathan. I have been touched by his humility, integrity and steadfast commitment to the renewal of mission. May Christ accompany and protect him.

On Palm Sunday Jesus enters Jerusalem. This journey is to change Him forever. He is, if you like, crossing from one shore to another. The storm is coming yet Jesus knows His Father is with Him. Let us all take comfort this Holy Week that through an extraordinary act of self-giving and self-emptying on the cross, Jesus shows us the way to resurrection joy and eternal life.

Revd Catherine Duce