We are thrilled to be able to open our doors for public worship again on Sunday 5 July. We have gone beyond government and Church of England guidelines to make precautions in advance and ensure safety on the day.

If you would like to join us, please allow extra time to enter the building and be seated for the service. We are maintaining a strict 2m distance for all congregation throughout your visit and asking all to use hand sanitiser regularly throughout the time you are with us. Please either print your own order of service at home or bring it on your phone. There will be copies available for those who can’t do this. We will take your name and phone number at the door as part of the government Track and Trace initiative. The service will feel a little different, as movement will be restricted. We will be able to join in singing only in our heart.

Post Service Coffee Zoom/every Sunday, 10.45am. Click here for Zoom, or call 0203 481 5237 from a UK landline. If you haven’t used Zoom before just click the link above, you don’t need a Zoom account to join in. Please contact andrew.caspari@gmail.com with any questions.

Children’s Church Zoom Group/today, 2.45pm. For children aged 4-13. For more information email ben.sheridan@smitf.org.

Inspired to Follow/today, 2-3pm. Join on Zoom or in your own homes. Topic: Mark 11: 4-12 & 15-19 / ‘Christ driving the Traders from the Temple’, El Greco, about.1600, NG1457. Please email Jonathan on jonathan.evens@smitf.org if you would like to join in.

Parish Weekend/Saturday 15 August: The Imagination of God with inspirational writer and poet Malcolm Guite. Tickets are £10 to cover expenses. You can now sign up using this link https://bit.ly/3gmfF8A.

Night Prayer/every evening at 9pm on the Congregation Facebook page. We have some spare slots for leaders, if you’re interested please get in touch with Jeff Claxton.

Theology Reading Group/Monday 13 July, 6pm. We will discuss The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism
by Timothy J Keller. This event is open to all if you would like to invite a friend. More details will follow.

Biblical Studies class/Monday 6 July, 7.30-9.00pm. Email ben.sheridan@smitf.org for a zoom invitation.

Bread for the World/Wednesdays, 6.30pm, on our Facebook page. Weather permitting, our usual service will be celebrated in the courtyard of St Martin-in-the-Fields. All are welcome to come along for the service. Careful instructions will be distributed on the day to keep everyone safe. We are looking forward to welcome members of the Nazareth Community who will be sharing about the ways in which God has spoken to them during this pandemic in their workplaces. If you’d like to join the bible study group on Zoom after the service, please email catherine.duce@smitf.org.

Clergy contact. In situations of bereavement or emergencies relating to physical or mental health over the lockdown, a member of the clergy can be contacted by texting 07910 652573 or 07761 661529; one of the clergy team will call you back.