Parish News/Diary/Special Notices
TODAY/February 23, we welcome Revd Harry Ching as our Assistant Vicar for International Ministry. He will be present for our 10am Eucharist, followed by a lunch for our English and Chinese congregations with The Bishop of London, and Harry’s licensing service at 1pm. All are welcome to each part of this day of celebration as we mark a closer union between our congregations.
Today/Children’s C-Club Programme, 11.30am, Dick Sheppard Chapel. Join us to learn some more about today’s readings and colour with your friends.
Today/Drawing Group, 12 – 2.00pm, George Richards & Austen Williams rooms. Materials, objects to draw and step-by-step help for those who would like it are all provided. No previous experience is necessary.
Next week/Exploring Faith course/Confirmation course continues next week. Sundays 12.00-1.30pm including a full afternoon on Sunday 29 March. This is an opportunity for those wishing to explore the Christian faith for the first time or wishing to be Confirmed this year to explore Christianity within the particular inclusive theology that we share at St Martin’s. Lunch is provided.
This Week/Ash Wednesday Ashing on the streets at 7.30am-9.00am and 5.00pm-6.30pm. Eucharist: at 8.30am, 1.00pm and Bread for the World at 6.30pm, followed by a light supper and at 8.00pm Revd Richard Carter will introduce our Lent book ‘The City is my Monastery: A Contemporary Rule of Life’. The Lent course will continue every Wednesday evening from 6.30pm over Lent. Books and resource booklets are available from the Vergers’ office. For more information and to sign up, pick up a leaflet in church or visit:
Book now/Theology Awayday/Saturday 21 March, at the Royal Foundation of St Katharine, London E14 8DS Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells. The theme is ‘Improvising the Kingdom’. £25 with lunch and all refreshments included. Flyers are available in church or online:
The changing monthly display by St Martin’s artists’ and craftspeople’s group in the Foyer of the Crypt for February is by Ruth Hutchinson. Each month a different member of the group or artists linked to it will show examples of their work, so do look regularly to see the changing display.
St Oscar Romero Ecumenical Service, 28 March, 11am. A service to celebrate the life and influence of this important 20th century saint who campaigned for radical social inclusion.
Connection with Choral Classics – Tuesday 31 March. The Friends of the Connection is offering an entertaining and informative evening, including a talk about the Cnnection’s Enterprise programme, a meal cooked by client trainees, and attendance at a performance of Handel’s dramatic oratorio Judas Maccabaeus in St Martin’s. All proceeds will support the Connection’s work. Book now at
Save the date/Parish Weekend. This year we will once more return to Worth Abbey for our Parish Weekend. Due to availability of Worth Abbey the time has moved to August 14-16. Save the date for a wonderful weekend away; more information about the weekend to follow soon.
Silent Retreat Weekend, 13-15 March, is now fully booked.
Meditation Group meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm in the Dick Sheppard Chapel. All are welcome.
JPIC Meeting, 25 February at 7.00pm The Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation group will meet in the Desmond Tutu room. All interested in current issues of Social Justice and how we might respond as a community are welcome. Future date: 22 March (12noon).
Coming up/Silent Retreat Weekend, 13-15 March, Pleshey Retreat House. Life in the Psalms led by Patrick Woodhouse and Richard Carter. Application forms are available in church or sign-up online: Places are limited so please book soon to avoid disappointment.
Christmas Appeal. The 2019 BBC Radio 4 Christmas Appeal with St Martin-in-the-Fields has already exceeded last year’s total of £3.48m; thank you so much to everyone who has supported the Appeal. If you would still like to make a donation to support people away from homelessness, you can make a donation via